Saturday, 20 June 2015

On the Shoulders of Giants

Argue with me, but I will be so bold as to venture to say that anyone who has had any amount of success in life is in some way or another indebted to someone else. As the saying goes, "No man is an island".
What we achieve is always linked in some way to some person. You simply cannot get away from that fact.

I know it's true for me. And, in my absence from him, I have seen more clearly the strength of character of the man on whose shoulders I stand. 

I didn't always have a hero. In fact, when I got those essay questions in school, I was the kid who spent the whole day staring at the blank page because I had no idea who to write about. And if happily I should come to a conclusion and choose someone finally, the great quandary would then be what to write about them. 

I was also the kid who was a fighter. Who screamed out violently on more than one occasion at my precious dad. Couldn't seem to get along with him. Hardly even knew him. Wanted to change him.

Now that I think about it, he wasn't trying to be difficult. We're just so similar. And he always wanted more for me than I wanted for myself.

But mercifully the story doesn't end there. My dad and I are on a journey. Of course this will last as long as we live, but we have worked on our relationship. We have come to understand each other a bit better. Enjoy each other. And now that I'm away from home, I appreciate him more than ever before. 

As I begin to shoulder the responsibilities of adult life, I realize how very much like him I am. The way I do things, how I think. Yes, I'm Daddy's girl. 

And I really look up to him. He's a man of character. I can't help but picture him always going out somewhere in the morning to spend time with his God, no matter where we are, be it an early morning, or a late one! His genuine concern for people, how he gives of his time, himself, to others. His hospitality, his diligent work- he always does his best. His commitment to God, and His willingness to admit when he makes mistakes. These are things I desire to emulate. 

My home life has shaped me. I am who I am today because of it. 

And I am thankful, because I stand on the shoulders of a giant.

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