Monday, 29 June 2015

Frozen ground

This morning I went out for my walk around our farm just as the first rays of morning sun were touching the white, frost covered ground, setting crystals of ice to sparkle like a million diamonds. The air is frigid, the ground frozen hard, but the sight is beautiful, oh so beautiful. I pause in awe, take it all in. Breathe a prayer-thank the Master artist. 

Then moving again. And with each footstep, I feel the cold, hard ground. It's frozen, and there's no give. Solid coldness, crunching under the boot. 

It's then truth comes home, crystallizes. 

I am frozen. That ground, is my heart. People walk through this life, and this ground stays rigid, unforgiving, resistant. Refusing the footprints, maintaining its shape. But there's this thing with rigid objects. They get broken. Shattered into a million pieces. Crushed. 

I sense it. And I need something. And I don't know how, but somehow the rays of the Sun of Righteousness must changed this piece of frozen earth. Make it impressionable to the footprints. Melt the icicles, until a river of grace flows through, a source of blessing, a life of giving. 

So this my prayer... Melt me.

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