Thursday, 25 September 2014

God Lent Me His Piano

The beginning of August found me rather dejected, hopeless, wondering what had possessed me to even start this. An out-of-tune piano, final exam one month away, and pieces sounding more like they were falling apart than coming together...

Then more bad news, as if the situation couldn't get worse. 

The tuners finally came that first week of August, and to my dismay, I learned that the church piano would have to be moved out to the hall for an entire month. As a church pianist, the last thing I wanted was to have to hammer out the notes on an old piano with sticking keys. But the examining body uses our church piano, and wanted it perfectly tuned, so the replacement was moved into the church, and the main piano placed in the hall, not to be moved for a month.

Little did I know what a blessing this small inconvenience would prove to be.

Our tuned piano at home was an improvement on what it had been, but it proved impossible to get final exam pieces and even scales up to standard on it. Y
et now a wonderful opportunity afforded itself. I was able to go to the church hall every day, and practice on that beautiful, exam-quality piano. God's piano.

Then it was that it hit me. 

God, the King of the Universe, was willing to have a substandard piano in His house of worship so that a girl could practice for her exam. 

To my shame, I spent more of the month with that piano than I did with the One who so graciously lent it to me. Yet my music fell far short of perfection. And it made me think... Perfection requires agonizing, struggling, striving. And still I cannot attain. 

All my own righteousness is but filthy rags. (Is 64:6) 
Only Christ can perform it in me. 
Despite my unfaithfulness, His love remains unchanged. 
He still calls to my wayward heart. (Jer 31:3) 
He, the Author of music, can compose something perfect, beautiful, out of this discordant note.

And this, this, is what He longs most of all to accomplish.

God lent me His piano.

Will I lend Him my life?

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