Monday, 28 October 2013

His Perfect Strength

Struggles. Ups and downs. No sooner have we experienced a high point, and we are sinking again... Waking up and reading of Jesus love for those who were His bitterest enemies, and then going out to inevitably do the exact opposite.

Life is almost a predictable cycle of these highs and lows. For every climb, sooner or later, the descent comes. Where are the victories?

"The whole earthly life of Jesus was a manifestation of this principle. It was to bring the bread of life to His enemies that the Saviour left His home in heaven. Though calumny and persecution were heaped upon Him from the cradle to the grave, they called forth from Him only the expression of forgiving love." (MB 71) And He is our example. But I fight for my so-called rights... What I wish I didn't do, is exactly what I do.

Then I am encouraged, reminded that we shall often have to fall down and weep at the feet of Jesus. We are not to be discouraged, not cast down. He will pick us up. He hasn't brought me this far to leave me. He didn't pay the ultimate price for nothing. And as long as I feel my GREAT need of Him, there is hope. 

Our God is ever constant, unchangeable. No matter how I feel, I must live according to His promises, for we are to walk by faith, not by feeling. 

"If he will unite with Me, believe in Me, and work for Me, his weakest points of character...will become his strongest points." (Medical Ministry, p 41)
And so it is that at our lowest points, when we feel truly weak, we come closest to Him.
"My strength is made perfect in weakness."
 (2 Corinthians 12:9)

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