Monday, 23 June 2014

Be Still

Today was a rough day. True, there have been worse, but life is just so busy. There doesn't seem to be time to think anymore, not to mention pray. And so this afternoon found me exhausted, short-tempered and ready to go home. But God had other plans. Instead of relaxing at home, I found myself waiting alone in the bakkie for about an hour. As fate would have it, my cell phone battery was about to give up the ghost, leaving me with time on my hands, and no distractions with which to fill it. As I was about to lament my dismal situation, it dawned on me that I'd been falling short as far as spending time with God was concerned. I realised that this was the perfect opportunity to just spend time pouring out my heart to God, and being still in His presence. What a blessing! I used some of my limited remaining battery power to read from the inspired pen on issues I have been grappling with of late, and spent the rest of the time in prayer. I realised what I've been missing. It was amazing to return to that place where I've been before, that relationship with God I once had. Yet again I am overwhelmed by that Love that will not let me go. Relentlessly pursuing, calling to my heart, seeking to save me. I am brought to see once more what is truly important in life:

"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Transient Change, or Total Transformation?

Samson. A remarkable life... He did a lot for God.
But, oh, how different his story could have been! 

Samson was doing what he was supposed to be doing. Sort of...not fully though, and partial obedience actually can't be termed obedience at all.
He obeyed God on his own terms- when it suited him, and only in what suited him.

He was to deliver Israel from the Philistines, but at the same time he was also called to live a life of purity and temperance, which calling he chose to ignore. He chose to associate with idolaters, linking himself with the very objects which it was his mission to destroy. Herein is a warning for us. We are to give the gospel invitation, calling people to forsake the world and follow Christ. How can we expect to have success if we try to use the world's methods, the very things we are called to leave, to accomplish our mission? 

Samson didn't think about whether or not his choices would bring glory to God, neither did he ask what God would have him do. He was bent on pleasing himself, and trusted in his own strength. 

In complete contrast to the sad history of Samson, we have Samuel. 

Even Samuel, despite the fact that he lived at the temple, (or maybe because of that very fact!), came into contact with evil at a young age. But he chose not to keep company with Eli's wicked sons. We read in Patriarchs and Prophets that "It was his constant endeavour to become what God would have him." (p 573)

In stark contrast to Samson's careless attitude towards God's requirements, Samuel performed even the most menial duty as to the Lord. His life is evidence that there is truly nothing insignificant in the life of the Christian. Each and every decision, no matter what it may be, exerts an influence for good or for evil, and holds weight in the balance of eternity. This is a solemn thought. The way I choose to respond when someone crosses me has a direct consequence on my eternal destiny. It is all-encompassing, touching every detail of my life.These so-called "little" things are shaping and moulding our characters. It's by no means going to be easy. But if I am ever saved, it will not be by my own doing. I am a hopeless case but for the grace of Christ. Notwithstanding, I am not free to just relax and take it easy. We are called to a complete surrender. We can't afford to just go on with life as we have before. Everything we have and are must be entirely consecrated to Christ. This calls for intense heart-searching. It's that serious. We cannot afford to overlook even one "small" cherished sin.

Today you and I are faced with the same test to which both Samson and Samuel were subjected. And we too need to choose. 
Do I want to just be known as a  "remarkable" person? "She did a lot for God." 
Or do I want something more? 

What would happen if I follow God's plan 100%? 

Patriarchs and Prophets gives the answer: "The youth of our time may become as precious in the sight of God as was Samuel. By faithfully maintaining their Christian integrity, they may exert a strong influence in the work of reform. Such men are needed at this time. God has a work for every one of them. Never did men achieve greater results for God and humanity than may be achieved in this our day by those who will be faithful to their God-given trust." (p 574)

Never. That's a bold statement! Just think of all the amazing things great men and women have accomplished in the past! And yet we, a degenerated generation, have this promise!

"Never did men achieve greater results for God and humanity than may be achieved in this our day by those who will be faithful to their God-given trust."

There is no limit to what we can accomplish if we make a complete surrender to Him! So why don't we have power? Because we don't claim it. Or we look to others to do it first. 

I'm tired of merely attempting to make changes in the world. They inevitably fail, because I can't change others. I can only choose for myself. 

I want a changed life. I want to put God to the test. I want to see the awesome things He has just been longing to do for us actually become reality! I want to make that complete surrender. Will you?